I’m a happily married mother of two amazing primary school children. But I’m also morbidly obese and taking so many pills I’m embarrassed to list them.

I’m diabetic and taking metformin. I have difficulties swallowing sometimes so I take Lansoprazole. My thyroid clan has given me two fingers up and so I take levothroxine. My folic acid is low so I also take tablets for that. In addition, I have recently started suffering from allergies so take a one-a-day allergy pill and also have a blue inhaler. I continually seem to have gunk in my airways which I can never shift. I’m always exhausted, to the point that if I have to sit around too long without a distraction I will always fall asleep. (e.g. in waiting rooms). I feel okay about life, but am aware that my health is now limiting my opportunities.

So here we go, starting point:

  • Weight: 114kg (goal <100kg)
  • HbA1c: 52 (goal <48)
  • Blood pressure: 146/109 (goal <130/80)
  • Cholesterol: 4.2 (goal <4)
  • Kidney function: ACR 6.8  (goal <3) and eGFR 66 (goal >60 and stable)

My measurements:

  • Bust:
  • Waist:
  • Tummy:
  • Neck:
  • Thigh:
  • Upper arm: